Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Equipex FIT- Future Internet of Things

The FIT projet is a national equipex (equipement d'excellence), headed by the Lip6 laboratory. As a member of Inria, Socrate is in charge of the development of an Experimental Cognitive Radio platform that is used as test-bed for sdr terminals and cognitive radio experiments. This has been operational since 2014 and is maintained for a duration of 7 years. To give a quick view, the user will have a way to configure and program through Internet several sdr platforms (mimo , siso , and baseband processing nodes).

Insa-Spie IoT Chair

The Insa-Spie IoT Chair http://www.citi-lab.fr/chairs/iot-chair/ relies on the expertise of the CITI Lab. The skills developed within the different teams of the lab integrate the study, modelling, conception and evaluation of technologies for communicating objects and dedicated network architectures. It deals with network, telecom and software matters as well as societal issues such as privacy. The chair will also lean on the skills developed at INSA Lyon or in IMU LabEx.

Inria Project Lab: ZEP

The ZEP project addresses the issue of designing tiny computing objects with no battery by combining non-volatile memory (NVRAM), energy harvesting, micro-architecture innovations, compiler optimizations, and static analysis. The main application target is Internet of Things (IoT) where small communicating objects will be composed of this computing part associated to a low-power wake-up radio system. The ZEP project gathers four Inria teams that have a scientific background in architecture, compilation, operating system and low power together with the CEA Lialp and Lisan laboratories of CEA LETI & LIST. The major outcomes of the project will be a prototype harvesting board including NVRAM and the design of a new microprocessor associated with its optimizing compiler and operating system.

Figure 4. Example of system targeted by the ZEP project on the left, and on the right: the ZEP research program.
IMG/TPC-architecture.png IMG/overview-zep.png

The scientific work (in progress) is organized around three fields :

  • specific NVRAM-based architecture

  • dedicated compiler pass that computes a worst-case energy consumption

  • operating system managing NVRAM and energy, ensuring memory consistency across power outages

The project is illustrated by the figure 4, where PACAP, SOCRATE, CORSE, and CAIRN are the teams involved in the project.

Another important goal of the project is to structure the research and innovation that should occur within Inria to prepare the important technological shift brought by NVRAM technologies.

ANR - Imprenum

The objective of this project (INSA-Lyon, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CEA LETI) is to promote accuracy as a first class concern in all the levels of a computing system:

  • at the hardware level, with better support for lower-than-standard and higher-than-standard precisions;

  • at the level of run-time support software, in particular answering the memory management challenges entailed by adaptive precision;

  • at the lower level of mathematical libraries (kernel level), for instance BLAS for linear algebra, enhancing well established libraries with precision and accuracy control;

  • at the higher level of mathematical libraries (solver level, including algebraic linear solvers such as LAPACK, ad hoc steppers for Ordinary Differential Equation, eigenvalues kernels, triangularization problems for computational geometry, etc.) Here, accuracy and precision control of the lower levels should enable higher-level properties such as convergence and stability;

  • at the compiler level, enhancing optimising compilers with novel optimisations related to precision and accuracy;

  • at the language level, embedding accuracy specification and control in existing languages, and possibly defining domain-specific languages with accuracy-aware semantics for some classes of applications.

ADT CorteXlab

The Socrate project-team is in charge of the FIT/CorteXlab platform. This platform (ADT Inria 2015-2017) makes use of many complex technologies from signal processing to computer science through micro-electornics and FPGA. The objectiv of the CorteXlab ADT is to maintain a support to the user of the FPGA-based platform of CorteXlab and to provide tutorial and running experiment that will help them in builing experimentation using the PicoSDR machines.

ANR - Ephyl

The general objective of the project EPHYL - “Enhanced PHY for Cellular Low Power Communication IoT” (2016-2019, 183 keuros) is to investigate coming and future LPWA technologies with the aim to improve coverage, data rate and connectivity while keeping similar level of complexity and power consumption at the node for the access. New waveforms enablers will be investigated and trialled in order to increase the efficiency of future systems and to provide efficient and fair access to the radio resource. The proposed new waveforms should comply with system constraints and with the coexistence of multiple communications.

ANR - Arburst

In this project Arburst - “Achievable region of bursty wireless networks” (2016-2020, 195 KEuros), we propose an original approach complementary to other existing projects. Instead of proposing one specific technical solution, our objective is to define a unified theoretical framework devoted to the study of IoT networks fundamental limits. We aim at establishing the fundamental limits for a decentralized system in a bursty regime which includes short packets of information and impulsive interference regime. We are targeting the fundamental limits, their mathematical expression (according to the usual information theory framework capturing the capacity region by establishing a converse and achievability theorems). We will use the recent results relative to finite block-length information theory and we will evaluate the margin for improvement between existing approaches and these limits and we will identify the scientific breakthrough that may bring significant improvements for IoT/M2M communications. This project will contribute to draw the roadmap for the development of IoT/M2M networks and will constitute a unified framework to compare existing techniques, and to identify the breakthrough concepts that may afford the industry the leverage to deploy IoT/M2M technical solutions.